1.7 Million Can Not Get Ration From July, Know Why
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There are total 3 lakh 48 thousand 473 ration cards in the district. In this, the number of Antyodaya ration cards is 36 thousand 648 and the number of card holders of the eligible planetarium is 3 lakh 11 thousand 827. On the instructions of the government these days, the emphasis is on linking each unit of the ration card with the basis, so that the bogus of the fictitious can be restrained. Some units in the district are 15 lakh 91 thousand 443 who are still being provided ration. It has linked 13 lakh 9 thousand 391 unit base. The remaining one lakh 72 thousand 92 units are linked to the base. Those units not linked to the base are being given time till June 30. If they are not linked to the deadline till date, their ration can be stopped from July. District Fulfillment Officer said that the base link process is completely free. Any cardholder wants to link the base of his members, then the application will be lodged in the office and its basis will be linked.
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